18 March 2009

Juz hangink around...

Vot iz it vit pipple und hangink Jägerkin? Itz all goot fon, dun get me wrong. Hy espezially enjoy de bit vhere Hy ezcape und chaze de pitchfork vieldink villigerz around. (Dey need betta pitchfork, beleeff me, dey vern't verra pointy et all.) Bot really, dun dey heff zometink bettah to do? Hy uzually vould luff de chance to do diz, remindz me uf home. Bot dey interupted zometink important. Hym shoppink for ha new buildink to houze my surgery und de search doez not go vell. Der iz ha dischtinkt leck uf adequate buildinkz vor zale. Ho, vell. De hont continuez!

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